Give hair to your hair

Did you know? Keratin is a protein that represents 95% of the hair.


cheveux keratine

Keratin is a natural fibrous protein and is very resistant, made of long sulphurous amino acid chains, such as the cysteine and the methionine. It represents more than 95% of the hair fibre and gives it its elasticity, its strength, and its brightness.
It is, additionally, an important skin and nail component. As such, an intake of keratin in the form of a suppliment, will participate in the elaboration of resistant hair, strong nails, and a healthy skin. In a way, its giving  hair to your hair!

The Nutrisanté Laboratories have selected an exclusive keratin molecule, the Cynatine HNS®, obtained through a process of patent fabrication making it more soluble and bioavailable.
Clinical studies have shown that Cynatine HNS® is efficient in repairing damaged hair, nails, and skin. Additionally, this form of keratin reduces hair loss, improves its growth, its strength and its composition in amino acids. Furthermore, the hair's appearance, its brightness, its maintenance, and its volume are improved.

In conclusion, you will have luxurious hair.

Discover our Nutricap Luxurious Hair based on bioavailable keratin

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Luxurious Hair

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