In shape for spring's arrival

The sunny days are coming, it's time to change your habits and take care of your body. Here is a selection of natural health products including some advice to help you obtain the best shape of your life at any age.

1- Undergo a detoxification cure

For each seasonal change, especially at the end of winter, the body accumulated many toxins. A lack of sunlight, a reduction of physical activity, and a richer diet make the body heavier. A detox cure helps drain, remove, and purify the body. Make seasonal fruits and vegetables your priority. There are no better times to go green and to recover a balance between the body and the mind. Like your house, your body needs a “spring cleaning”.

2- Drink water and moisturize the skin

After winter, the skin is dry and rough. Additionally, the hair becomes brittle and dull. Use creme everyday on your skin to moisturize it so it can retrieve its flexibility and prepare it for skirts and short sleeves. Drink 1L of water per day and take this opportunity to do a cure of evening primrose oil and of Nutricap to recover shining, healthy hair. Enjoy a makeover!

3- Prepare one’ complexion

Who doesn’t dream of having beautiful golden skin throughout the year? For a guaranteed healthy glow, use Derma Solaire. A real cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids, these little sun capsules a perfect for hydrating the skin and facilitating the tan naturally. To be taken before, during and after sun exposure.

Results: a healthy skin and a glowing healthy tan.

4- Restore a flat stomach

Tired of feeling bloated after meals? Alinea Flat Stomach helps you quickly regain a feeling of lightness. The combination of probiotics, papaya sap, malt, and oatmeal fiber strengthen the intestinal flora and facilitate digestion. The stomach becomes flat again and the waist size stops varying during the day!

5- Exercice

After long winters where physical activity is usually reduced, it is often difficult to exercise again. Going with your friend, a family member, or a colleague will surely motivate you. Additionally, it will be more enjoyable, you can exchange tips and encourage each other. It will never be said enough, sport is health. Exercising brings many benefits, from the increase of your energy to the reduction of stress, as well as disease risks. Take your time and gradually increase the effort each week.

Prepare your skin for the arrival of sunny days

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