Sport, your ally against body fat

Regular Physical activity is a great way to replace body fat by muscles.

What’s body fat?

It is an adipose tissue (a substance located between the skin and the muscles). Body fat acts as an insulator, a protector, and a reserve of energy. It is important to distinguish between mass fat and lean mass when talking about weight gain or weight loss. Indeed, mass fat is at the origin of unwanted weight since the way both mass fat and lean mass (water and muscle mass) are allocated in the body will influence your silhouette.

How to determine body fat?

Bio-electric impedance analysis tools allow you to estimate your body’s constitution, which includes how both body fat and mass lean are being allocated. Such estimates are calculated using the electric current present in the tissues. Fat tissues offer more resistance against the currents than the lean mass tissues, as the lean mass tissues represent almost all the water in the body, and as such are better conductors of electricity.

Regularly engaging in a physical activity is a great way to replace body fat by muscles.

What are the advantages of physical activity?

  • It burns low released carbohydrated food eaten during meals
  • It develops muscle mass
  • When loosing weight, it makes up for a part of muscle weakening
  • It helps you spend energy: the more muscles you have, the easier a physical activity will burn fats.

Prioritize water sports

They lead to a greater energy reduction and as such are more effective in burning fat. The body fights cold by using body fat.

Prioritize endurance sports

Jogging, fitness, cycling, rowing, swimming force the body to use the accumulated fat. Therefore, when losing weight, they are your best option.

The physical activity has to last for more than 40 minutes

  • During the first 20 minutes, the body draws energy from the sugars,
  • Between 20 to 40 minutes, the body starts drawing from body fat,
  • From the 40th minute, it will draw mostly from body fat.

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