Hair loss among men

Hair loss, a testosterone story.

If you are suffering from unusual hair loss, you should first consult a health professional due to the fact they are a variety of reasons why hair loss happens. Among the most frequent, is the absence of iron (mostly seen in women),  a dysfunctional thyroid gland and medication intake, like the ones against epilepsy, hypertension, or cholesterol. Hair loss can also result from an emotional choc, chirurgical intervention or chemotherapeutical treatments. In most cases, your hair will grow back when the situation goes back to normal or when the person stops their medication. Furthermore, some auto-immune sicknesses related to lupus can also lead to hair loss.

The hair’s life depends on numerous factors such as its growth cycle, our hormonal cycle, our health condition and what we eat.

We usually lose between 60 to 100 hair per day, and a fallen hair is one that has died 3 months ago.

The good news is that every day, new hair starts growing. And that is exactly what needs to be taken care of do avoid finishing with a bald head.

Baldness isn’t only a man’s problem; women suffer from it but in different ways. The most common alopecia (or baldness) is the androgenic alopecia. As its name implies, it is inherited. The one responsible: the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which boost the production of dihydrotestosterone, a testosterone derived hormone. Hair loss will start on the side and on top of the head for men (women will mostly have thinner hair all over the head).

For men suffering from androgenic baldness, some natural ingredients exist to help inhibit the 5-alpha-reductase; in other words, it helps regulate dihydrotestosterone production like the saw palmetto that can be found in our Nutricap Men products.

Discover Nutricap for men, a saw palmetto-based product to treat androgenic baldness

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Hair Growth - Men


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