The basis of menopause

Nutrifem helps you understand menopause in a simple way without any myths.


Premenopause refers to the progressive reduction of the ovarian function. It generally starts at around 47 years of age and lasts 2 to 7 years. It concludes itself with a complete stop of your period.


Premenopause symptoms are mostly due to the lack of progesterone, one of the fundamental female hormones.

Some cycles shorten, others get longer. The premenstrual syndrome is marked by tensed breasts, mood swings, headaches, fatigue, and sometimes symptoms linked to oestrogenic deficiency, like hot flashes. That’s right, even during the premenopause phase!


Menopause is the inevitable stop of the ovarian function and is usually characterised by a lack of menstruation for at least a year. In most cases, it occurs at the age of 50, but it can also happen at around 45 years old.


Menopause symptoms are due to hormonal deficiency in oestrogen and progesterone. These disorders, called climacteric, are frequent and of extreme intensity depending on the person* (Source: Association Française pour l’Étude de la Ménopause (AFEM)).

  • Hot flashes, or flashes (felt by 67% of the women)
  • Night sweats (felt by 38.5% of the women)
  • Sleep disorders
  • Fatigue
  • Skin dryness and aging
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Reduced libido
  • Reduction of the body fat on the stomach level, with or without weight gain.
  • Headaches
  • Joint pains

Menopause can generate peripheral disorders:

Osteoporosis: increases the risk of fractures. It affects 1 in 4 women after menopause and can be explained due to the reduction of the body’s capacity to produce bone tissue.

Cardiovascular diseases: their risk of occurring increase with the reduction of the body’s capacity to produce bone tissue.

Genitourinary disorders: urinary leakage or infection, genitourinary prolapsus.

Impairments to the cognitive functions: Reduction of your ability to memorize,  to master abstract verbalization  and reasoning performances.


Hormonal treatment: during menopause, the objective is to compensate hormonal deficit, due to the stop of the ovarian function, by administering hormones (oestrogens, progestogen). Those treatments help correct the climacteric symptoms (hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings…) and to prevent consequences due to oestrogenic deficiency (osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases…). Despite their effectiveness, those treatments are rarely prescribed due to their contraindication and their precautionary principles (personal or family background of hormonal-dependent cancer, venous or arterial thrombo-embolic diseases background…).

Did you know?

Recently developed plant-based complexes can indirectly act while imitating the oestrogens’ actions without being phytoestrogens themselves. Those formulas can be introduced to women with a hormone-dependent cancer background, even if it is heavily recommended to talk about it with a gynaecologist or an oncologist.


  • Omega-3 are fatty acids well-known for their favorable effect on a multitude of the body’s biochemical processes: cardiovascular health, emotional well-being, hormonal balance… Therefore, they can be used to reduce women’s hot flashes, irritability, or emotional imbalance during menopause.
  • Iron, vitamin B12, and vitamin B9: those are three nutrients that actively participate in reducing fatigue and in maintaining women’s vitality. Additionally, by positively contributing in the neural system operation, those vitamins participate in upholding women’s physical well-being during menopause.
  • Borage oil: it is traditionally used to support the cardio-vascular system, to regulate hormonal balance, and to maintain the skin tissue’s integrity and flexibility. It is particularly recommended to relieve premenstrual syndrome’s symptoms or skin dryness.
  • Antioxidants: vitamin E, beta-carotene, or even zinc, actively participate in the beauty of the skin’s maintenance and protect the premature aging cells due to the free radicals. The citrus bioflavonoids are also natural active ingredients with well-known antioxidant properties. Furthermore, they possess a protective effect on the venous network and make them known especially in cases of heavy legs or lower limbs swelling.


  • Engage in physical activities regularly (30 to 45 min of daily walk)
  • Limit the tobacco intake
  • Eat healthy: avoid fast-release sugars, salt, and saturated fats, eat fruits and vegetables in abundance
  • Lessen coffee and alcohol intake
  • Eat foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D.

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