6 tips to improve one's digestion

Our digestive system plays an important role in our general health, it is known as our “second brain”. It helps us digest the food and provide our body the necessary nutrients for its proper functioning.

How to avoid digestive disorders?

1. Preserve your intestinal flora

Our digestive system plays an important role in our general health, it is known as our “second brain”. It helps digest the food and provide our body the necessary nutrients, like vitamins and minerals, for its proper functioning.

Our colon is naturally composed of millions of bacteria (called intestinal flora or microbiota) which form a stable ecosystem: we house and feed them food. In return, they help with our digestion and protect our system from  pathogenic germs.

Taking Probitoics is recommended to encourage the intestinal flora’s balance. 

Advice: Your probiotics needs at least 3 billion healthy bacterias. The more there is, the better! Take them for 1 to 3 months, depending on your needs and make sure to renew every year.

2. Consume fibers

To make digestion easier and to relieve bloating, it is crucial to regularly eat high-fiber foods. You can find fiber in fruits (pears, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blackcurrant, oranges), vegetables (Brussel sprouts, artichokes, onions, garlic, corn, pees, green beans, broccolis), dry vegetables (lentils, chickpeas, beans), and whole grains (wheat bran, whole wheat bread, mixed cereals).
To relieve symptoms of discomfort during digestion or to help with your digestion, try our Alinéa Flat Stomach solution. This dissolvable sachet is composed of a mixture of probiotics, wheat bran fibers, malt, and pawpaw juice which help support your digestive system and quickly relieve all digestives symptoms such as  bloating, discomfort, nausea, tiredness, etc,.. leaving you feeling light as a feather instead.

3. Take one’s time

Eating too quickly is bad for both the digestion and keeping a healthy body. It is important to take your time while eating to awaken your taste buds and to help make the digestive process easier. The feeling of fullness comes quicker and reduces tiredness/fatigue often experienced after eating a big meal.

Advice: Chew at least 10 times each bite before swallowing;

Talk between each bite and eat peacefully to enjoy your meal.

4. Be careful of excessive alcohol consumptions

We often notice that alcohol is served at meal time. However, alcohol irritates the digestive system by stimulating the gastric acids' secretion.An abusive alcohol consumption can lead to inflammation, heartburn, as well as nausea that can lead to vomiting.

Advice: Avoid drinking on an empty stomach; limit alcohol consumption; regularly rotate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and avoid mixing alcohol.

5. Avoid sleeping after meals

After a regular to large meal, we often feel like resting of a little bit. The belief that a nap after a meal helps with digestion is wrong. Its quite the oppposite. Food is not properly digested if lying down after a meal it can even increase the risk of gastric reflux.

Advice: Wait from 2 to 3 hours before taking a nap.

6. Choose Detoxification

Snacks and unhealthy left overs are the worse escpecially when consummed to often.

To help our body recover from excessive eating/drinking  we recommend our Brand New Nutrilign Detox to quickly retrieve a comfortable, healthy lifestyle.

Nutrilign’s product range there to help your digestion.

Learn more


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