Memory disorder and concentration

Our Natural supplement is composed of nutritional elements necessary for the healthy function of your brain and to help with your memory and concentration.

troubles de la mémoire

1. Eat healthy

Food has a strong impact on your intellectual performance. The brain needs at least 40 nutrients to operate effectively. An appropriate diet is a combination of high quality proteins, necessary fatty acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and oligo-elements. Any lack of one of those elements can lead to altering cell operations and can affect memory and concentration.
Some natural health products exist to give a helping hand to your brain. Those products are composed of nutritional elements necessary for the brain to work correctly. Leritone SE is designed to help you  focus on strengthening your memory and concentration.

2. Keep yourself hydrated

The brain is composed of 80% of water. A loss of focus may be due to dehydration. It is then necessary to drink at least 1.5L of water throughout the day.

3. Stimulate your nerons

Remaining active requires the brain to be constantly  stimulated without any break. A variety of methods are available: reading, brain training programs, learning a foreign language, play an instrument, complete puzzles (like Sudoku) …
Furthermore, changing activities helps activate the different regions of the brain.  Practicing regularly is necessary so the acquired competencies do not fade once you stop using them.

4. Engage in physical activities regularly.

The positive effects they have on the brain as well as the body do not need further proof. They help in reducing anxiety while improving the blood flow, and as such, the brain’s oxygenation. They also have a positive effect on the brain aging.

5. Make sure to get enough sleep

Sleep enables the brain to get rid of the toxins accumulated throughout the day, and to regenerate. Sleep duration and quality are two important factors. Lack of sleep can lead to reduced attention, and an increase in stress and mood disorders.

Leritone improves the cognitive performances

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Memory and Vision

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