Recipes for beautiful hair

Nutrition plays an important role in maintaining healthy hair. Many nutrients contribute to hair growth and beauty. Nutricap has been the leading expert for over 25 years by providing a natural supplement formula that includes all these nutrients.

1. Nourish your hair from the inside

Nutrition plays an essential role in the hair’s health. Specific nutrients particularly contribute to the growth and beauty of hair:

Proteins are necessary for the formation of keratin. Keratin represents 95% of the hair fibre.

Minerals, including iron, zinc, and copper stimulate hair growth and makes the hair more resistant.

Vitamins are essential for the beauty of the hair, and more specifically vitamins B8 and B5 which synergetically  stimulates the keratin synthesis and limits hair loss. Additionally, vitamin E plays a protective role for the hair fibre.

Finally, essential greasy acids, and more specifically omegas 3, are necessary for hair growth and hydration.

To ensure having beautiful hair, it is important to regularly consume fish, meat, eggs, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses, nuts, dairy products, vegetable oils.

Nutritional supplements combine with a helathy lifestyle will help you get healthy hair. Nutrisante Laboratories offers several natural solutions composed of all these nutrients in capsules, for genuine beauty treatment: Nutricap, Nutricap Bambou, Nutricap Kératine, and Nutricap Men. A Nutricap cure is particularly recommended in situations of fatigue, stress, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiency, or seasonal change.

2. Use appropriate treatments

Preserving the glistening of the hair, using the appropriate treatment is very important. Whether you have normal, thin, dry, or coloured hair, every type of hair needs proper maintenance.

  • If you have normal hair, use gentle cares to protect the brightness of your hair daily.
  • If you have fine and flat hair, use gentle cares to bring volume and tonus, without weighing down the hair.
  • If you have dried and damaged hair, it means they need to be rehydrated. In this case,use nourishing cares and apply a repair mask on your hair once every week.
  • If you have coloured hair, it is necessary to use specific care to make the base of the colour last and to protect the hair from the free radicals.
  • If you have greasy hair, use the appropriate care to regulate the excess of sebum and contribute to a healthy scalp.

3. Adopt the right gestures

To ensure daily strong and silky hair, taking extra care of them is important:

  • Regularly massage your scalp to activate the micro blood circulation and regulate the excess of sebum.
  • Abundantly rinse your hair to eliminate all residues and finish with a spray of cold water to render them even more bright.
  • Seamlessly dry your hair by dabbing with a towel to absorb humidity.
  • Avoid using heated tools that will weaken your hair too frequently. In the long run, your hair will become dull and dry.
  • Gently brush your hair, in the morning and the evening, to ventilate them and to get rid of the dust residu that your hair has accumulated throughout the day.
  • Regularly cut your hair to eliminate the damaged hair ends that give a dull appearance to the hair.

Nutricap, expert in the beauty of your hair for 25 years.

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Hair & Nail Growth – Women


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I've used this product (capsules) for about 6-7 years. My hair was very thin and now my hair is finally starting to look good.

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