Leritone SE

Memory and Vision

  • Boosts cognitive ability
  • Fights cerebral ageing
  • Has a positive effect on stress, mood, and sleep
  • Contributes to maintaining healthy eyesight and night vision

PROVEN EFFECTIVENESS in clinical studies. After 3 months of use, we see improvements of: +75% on memory, + 72% on mental alertness, and +75% on fatigue.

leave natural health product
laboratory exclusive patented complex
leave anti-oxidant
  • Our brains are constantly in use, and can show signs of slowing down:

    • Memory lapses
    • Decreased attention
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • Mental fatigue

    An exclusive formula that provides the best nutrients for your brain

    • Ovophospholipids® and Omega-3: Provides the fatty acids needed for good brain function. Helps maintain memory, strengthens concentration, and stimulates intellectual activity.
    • A compound of selenium, vitamin A, C, and E, and grape-seed polyphenols: Creates a powerful antioxidant complex that protects cells from oxidative stress.
    • Omega-3 and phospholipids: Regulates the body’s levels of dopamine and melatonin.
    • Vitamin A: Contributes to healthy eyesight.

    Nature’s best, thanks to science!
    Formulas developed scientifically in the laboratory using the full power of natural ingredients.

    *Study by Dr. JM-Morel: Efficacité sur les troubles liés au vieillissement cérébral. 1989.



    Fish oil (containing 12% DHA, 18% EPA)
    275 mg
    Natural vitamin C
    75 mg
    Phospholipids (Ovophospholipids®)
    42.5 mg
    Citrus extract (Citrus sinensis), including 45% biflavonoids
    50 mg
    Grape pomace (Vitis vinifera)
    15 mg
    ATE (alpha-tocopherol equivalents) of natural vitamin E
    8.4 mg
    RAE (retinol activity equivalents) of vitamin A
    1.5 mg
    100 mcg
    Vitamin D
    5 mcg

    NON-MEDICINAL INGREDIENTS:  Gelatin, glycerin, yellow beeswax, soya lecithin, yeast, maltodextrin.

  • Take 2 capsules per day with breakfast. Use for a minimum of 2 months. Can be used for an extended period.


    • Speak with your healthcare professional before using if you have a history of skin cancer without melanoma.
    • Contains fish and egg extracts. Anyone with an allergy to these must not take this product.
  • Fish, eggs

  • *Your email will not be revealed.

    • Résultats rapides

      Après environ deux semaines, je voyais déjà une différence et après trois, j’ai l’impression que mon cerveau a pris un « coup de jeune »! Je n’ai plus les hésitations à trouver le bon mot, je n’ai plus ces égarements agaçants, moins d’oublis. Je continue la cure de deux mois évidemment !

      By Diane on November 23, 2020

At Nutrisanté, nature and science go hand in hand

We release nature’s full power using science to create formulas that promote global wellbeing and fit seamlessly into your daily routine.

Natural Ingredients

Natural Ingredients

We’ve developed patented mixtures of natural ingredients that release their full potential.

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Scientific approach

Scientific approach

Our approach is based on a view of health that’s scientific as well as ethical.

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