

Relieves menopause symptoms without the need for hormones (estrogen-free)

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Loss of libido
  • Osteoporosis
  • Nervous tension
leave natural health product
laboratory exclusive patented complex
not-tested-animals no animal testing
security menopause and peri menopause

Complementary products

  • The onset of menopause can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms

    • The ingredients in PHYTOCOMFORT work like a natural substitute for hormone therapy.
    • They have a beneficial effect on all symptoms related to loss of estrogen.

    A combination of 3 medicinal plants traditionally used in phytotherapy

    • Soy: Contains isoflavones, which work to regulate hormones to reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes. Many scientific studies have shown the estrogen activity of isoflavones in soy.
    • Black cohosh: Native to North America, this has long been used in phytotherapy to help alleviate menstrual pain, nervous tension, and persistent hot flashes. Many clinical studies have demonstrated its effectiveness and safety.
    • Damiana: A medicinal plant known for improving sex drive and libido.

    One of the safest options on the market: Has no estrogenic effects and will not affect weight, body mass index, or liver enzymes.

    Nature’s best, thanks to science!
    Formulas developed scientifically in the laboratory using the full power of natural ingredients.



    Soya protein extract (Glycine max. L.)
    162.5 mg
    Black cohosh root extract (Cimicifuga racemosa)
    80 mg
    Damiana extract 4:1 (Turnera diffusa)
    80 mg

    NON-MEDICINAL INGREDIENTS: magnesium stearate, gelatine, microcrystalline cellulose.

  • Take 1 capsule per day. Use at least 2 weeks to begin noticing beneficial effects. Speak to your healthcare professional if using for more than 1 year. Can be taken alone or with hormone therapy.


    • Do not take if you are pregnant, have or have had breast cancer, have had breast tumours, are predisposed to breast cancer as demonstrated by an abnormal mammogram or biopsy, or have a family history of breast cancer. Before taking, ensure that your medical record is up to date for mammograms and gynecological exams.
    • Speak to your healthcare professional before taking if you’re breastfeeding, have a liver disorder or symptoms of a liver disorder appear, symptoms persist or worsen, if you take anticoagulants, if you have a history of hormonal or gynecological disease (including ovary cancer, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids), or if you are taking hormone therapy.
    • Discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional if you experience pain, discomfort, breast soreness, a recurrence of menstruation, or spotting
  • Soy

  • *Your email will not be revealed.

    • Wow fonctionne vraiment bien

      Fonctionne vraiment bien, ca fait de bien ca faisait longtemps que je n'avais pas aussi bien dormi

      By Nat on November 18, 2021

    • S.

      Wow, Ça marche vraiment

      By SYLVIE on July 22, 2018

    • MMe

      Ça marche !!!!!!!!!!!! Je n'y croyais pas trop trop mais OUI !

      By Sarah on June 13, 2018

    • Works great

      I could not find this product where I had bought it. So am glad you are on line.

      By Nanette senger on March 23, 2018

At Nutrisanté, nature and science go hand in hand

We release nature’s full power using science to create formulas that promote global wellbeing and fit seamlessly into your daily routine.

Natural Ingredients

Natural Ingredients

We’ve developed patented mixtures of natural ingredients that release their full potential.

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Scientific approach

Scientific approach

Our approach is based on a view of health that’s scientific as well as ethical.

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