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Copyright protects literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic works as well as performances, sound recordings and communication signals. Its owner has the exclusive right to produce, reproduce, publish, or perform the work in whole or in part, including for commercial purposes. We can put in place protection mechanisms that consider the most recent advances and best practices in the sector.

It is important to remember that copyright protects all forms of literature and art, and that the concept has evolved over time to protect many forms of digital and technological works. If someone is copying your website, or if you want to protect a computer code, copyright may be the best option.

In connection with trademarks, it is to the advantage of any business to be the owner of the copyright on its logos. An assignment of copyright must be evidenced in writing. Paying an outside firm or consultant to create a logo or website, for example, is not equivalent to an assignment of copyright.

There are also other strategies to better protect your copyrights. We can advise you on these strategies, as well as in the negotiation and drafting of various copyright agreements.

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