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Erin Schachter

Erin Schachter


Bar Admission 2017

Master’s degree in Common Law and Transnational Law: Université de Sherbrooke (LL.M) 
Graduate degree in Common Law: Université de Sherbrooke (J.D.)
Law degree: Université du Québec à Montréal (LL.B.)
Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature: McGill University (B.A.)
Certificate in public procurement from Osgoode Hall, York University

Contact Erin Schachter

Erin is a litigator practising primarily in the areas of Intellectual Property Law, Technology Law, Data Privacy as well as International law.

Erin works in both English and French and has experience instituting proceedings in the Provincial and Federal Courts.

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Erin attended Université de Sherbrooke where she earned a Juris Doctor as well as a master’s degree in transnational law focused on intellectual property. She graduated with distinctions from the University of Sherbrooke law faculty (Liste Palmères).

Erin had the opportunity to study abroad and to complete internships in different sectors in both private firms and non-profit organizations.

Known for her attention to detail and her positive attitude, Erin is always prepared to take on new challenges and to use her professional skills to meet the needs of her clients.

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Contact Erin Schachter