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Geneviève Millie Lacroix

Geneviève Millie Lacroix


Bar Admission 2020

Law degree, Université de Montréal (LLB)

Contact Geneviève Millie Lacroix

A Laval lawyer, Geneviève practices mainly in municipal and administrative law.

Throughout her academic and professional career, Geneviève has had the opportunity to complete internships in various settings, including with an organization for immigrant women. Through research activities, writing articles and raising awareness in connection with her involvement in various environmental committees, she has developed a particular taste for environmental law. Also, being herself from an agricultural background, she has a distinctive and realistic vision of the legal issues related to the development of agricultural projects.

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An avid backpacker, Geneviève has developed a sharp sense of positivism and perseverance as well as a creative spirit that allows her to find ingenious solutions to the challenges she has faced.

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  • Services

    • Agricultural Land Protection
    • Agricultural Law
    • Environmental Law
    • Environmental Protection
  • Professional activities

    I enjoy interacting with my clients and talking with people in order to understand their needs and offer them a solution adapted to their issues. I thrive on challenges which leads me to constantly strive to discover new ways of thinking about the law and innovative solutions to the legal issues my clients face.

Contact Geneviève Millie Lacroix