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Antoine St-Germain Martel

Antoine St-Germain Martel


Bar Admission 2021

Law degree, Université de Montréal (LLB)

Contact Antoine St-Germain Martel

A Montreal lawyer, Antoine practices mainly in civil and commercial litigation and additionally in real estate law with a clientele consisting mainly of corporations and enterprises of all sizes, as well as rental property owners.

Throughout his professional and academic career, Antoine has had the opportunity to work in different environments and to get involved in several associations by working, in particular, in private practice, within a housing committee and by carrying out academic research for Laboratoire sur les actions collectives of the Université de Montréal. His multiple experiences have allowed him to develop a wide range of skills in several spheres of law.

He is appreciated for his diligence, passion, as well as his tenacity in defending the rights of his clients.

  • Services

    • Civil Litigation
    • Class Actions
    • Commercial Litigation
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Real-Estate/Leasing Litigation
    • Residential Real Estate
  • Professional activities

    My multidisciplinary background allows me to have an approach focused on solutions and the achievement of results in addition to allowing me to bring new perspectives to my clients in the analysis of their files and the management of their various issues.

  • Social Involvement

    I find it important to be involved in my community and to promote access to justice, which is why throughout my professional and academic career, I have worked in organizations offering pro bono legal services.

Contact Antoine St-Germain Martel