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Laura Bonnet

Laura Bonnet


Bar Admission 2020

Law degree, Université de Montréal (LLB)

Contact Laura Bonnet

A Brossard lawyer, Laura practices mainly in civil and commercial litigation as well as real estate law. Before joining TCJ, Laura started her practice in a private firm. There, she developed her knowledge in various fields of law and was able to accompany her clients in various legal areas of their lives.

During her university studies, Laura had the opportunity to study abroad and to become involved with the Université de Montréal's Legal Clinic, thus honing the qualities and skills essential to her practice.

She is particularly appreciated for her thoroughness, her involvement in her cases, the precision of her writing and her strategic vision.

  • Services

    • Civil Litigation
    • Commercial Litigation
    • Real Estate Law
  • Professional Mandates

    In the field of real estate law, I have assisted numerous clients, individuals or corporations, from the acquisition, rental or sale of residential or commercial buildings, as well as during all stages of litigation concerning them.

  • Social Implications

    During my university studies, I was involved with the Legal Clinic of the Université de Montréal in order to share my knowledge and inform users of their rights and obligations.

    I also took advantage of this period of time to join the Law and Politics Committee of the Université de Montréal as Vice-President of Student Affairs in which my role was mainly to establish and maintain a communication platform and a link of trust between the student community and our team.

    I am always on the lookout for any opportunity that would allow me to continue my social involvement.

Contact Laura Bonnet