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Isabelle Martin

Isabelle Martin

Chief Human Capital - CHRP

Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés 2010

Bachelor of science in Education, Université du Québec à Montréal
Masters degree in Organization Development, Université Laval

Contact Isabelle Martin

Isabelle joined our team in 2016 after working for a large Quebec media firm. During her career, she has had the opportunity to assist many SME managers to meet the challenges of change, to manage change and to help different work teams acquire new skills.

Active and energetic, her professional experience and academic background make her an undeniable asset to our human resources team.

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A sailing, cycling and running enthusiast, Isabelle personifies the adage of a “healthy mind in a healthy body.” Isabelle is a person who loves taking on challenges, and this mindset is evident in her professional capacity. 

Developing a person’s potential is one of the aspects of human resources that Isabelle finds the most stimulating. She believes that everyone can gain knowledge and develop their interpersonal skills. To accomplish this, she relies on approaches such as management coaching and in-house training.

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  • Services

    • Change Management
    • Coaching
    • Defining Organizational Values
    • HR Due Diligence for a Transaction
    • HR Toolkit
    • International Recruitment
    • Managing Conflicts and Difficult Behaviour
    • Organizational Audit
    • Organizational Mediation
    • Outsourcing
    • Performance Management
    • Strategic Planning
  • Professional activities

    Over the past years, I have had the opportunity to assist many change management teams, which is the kind of challenge that I especially enjoy tackling. I guess you can say that I love riding the waves of growth and change.

  • Social Involvement

    I am particularly interested in health issues and promoting a healthy lifestyle. For this reason, I participated in the 1,000 km cycling event organized by Pierre Lavoie (Le Grand Défi), which seeks to encourage Quebecers to adopt healthy life styles so that making healthy choices will become instilled in future generations.

Contact Isabelle Martin